Despite being blind in her final years, she won Animal Planet's World's Ugliest Dog award last year. 尽管在生前最后几年已经失明,她仍旧在去年动物星球频道世界最丑的狗评选中夺冠。
Final award has already been made on the first newsprint paper antidumping case. 首例新闻纸反倾销案已经终裁。
The arbitration award shall be final and Binding on Both parties. No party may appeal in connection with the matters relating to the arbitration award 仲裁裁决为终局裁决,对双方都具有约束力,任何一方都不能就仲裁裁决所能涉及的事项起拆
Either party's failure to perform the interlocutory award will not affect the continuation of the arbitration proceedings, nor will it prevent the arbitration tribunal from making a final award. 任何一方当事人不履行中间裁决,不影响仲裁程序的继续进行,也不影响仲裁庭作出最终裁决。
The final award is for Improving Existing Jargon. 最后一个奖项是提升现有行话品质奖。
The Arbitral Tribunal can deliver its decision in the form of either an interim award or a final award. 仲裁庭的决定可以以中间裁决的形式作出,也可以在终局裁决中作出。
First, it argues that the Final Award does not fall within the scope of the arbitration agreement contained in the parties'JV Contract. 首先,它提出最终裁决不属于各方合资企业合同中所包含的仲裁协议的范围内。
Provide the name of the final year of schooling award as titled in the country of issue. 高中教育细节:提供标有发行国家的最后学年授予证书的名称。
The final countdown to the2010 Oscars has begun, with The Hurt Locker and Avatar going head-to-head for the coveted best picture award. 2010年奥斯卡颁奖典礼开始倒数计时,《拆弹部队》和《阿凡达》就最佳影片奖展开了激烈竞争。
Delocalization of the arbitral process and the final award would mean that parties remain unaffected by unforeseen and undesired local procedural law, and do not face the risk that non-compliance with such law would render their award unforeseeable. 仲裁的过程和裁决的非内国化则意味着当事人不用面对不可预见和不受欢迎的仲裁地程序法,因此也就不会承担违反仲裁地程序法所带来的无法预见的风险。
China's sports arbitrating should choose compulsory mechanism of "first award being the final award". 我国体育仲裁应选择强制性“一裁终局”制。
It also brings forward the idea of establishing the judicial review system for antidumping after the final award for antidumping of China is made. 并对我国反倾销终裁作出后,应建立反倾销司法审查制度提出了构想。
With regard to the final and binding effect of the maritime arbitration award, concerning the different demand of parties in the shipping industry, it designs a pattern of judicial supervision upon autonomy of will of the parties. 关于海事仲裁裁决的终局性问题,鉴于航运当事人的不同需求,设计以当事人意思自治为基础的司法监督模式。
Therefore, it is necessary to clear the civil prosecutorial supervision system of legal basis, clarify the principle of judicial independence and judgment, the final award principle and party to exercise right relationship. 因此,有必要明确民事检察监督制度的法理基础,厘清其与审判独立原则、司法最终裁决原则和当事人行使处分权利的关系。
Since the case of circular welded carbon quality steel pipe in 2007, in August 2011, America has aroused fifteen anti-subsidy investigations towards Chinese steel products, at present twelve cases, among which two have been conduced final negative award, have been finally arbitrated. 从2007年的环状焊接碳素钢管案开始,到2011年8月,美国共对中国钢铁产品发动了十五起反补贴调查,目前已经做出终裁的有十二起案件,其中否定性终裁案件有两起。
The reason why international commercial arbitration became the most feasible dispute solution mechanism in the international business communication relies on a very important factor, i.e. arbitration award as a final conclusion, or the characteristic of "arbitration award shall be final and binding". 国际商事仲裁之所以成为国际商事交往中最为适宜的一种纠纷解决机制,非常重要的一个因素在于仲裁裁决的终局性,或者说,在于仲裁一裁终局的特点。